Millions of people suffer from lower back pain and joint pain. Being overweight, or suffering from obesity increases the pressure placed on your body. I commonly hear from my patients that exercise increases lower back or knee pain. Inactivity creates a vicious cycle of chronic pain and fatigue. As I tell anyone that is willing to listen, you have everything to gain from exercising. Aquatic therapy can take the pressure off your joints and allow you to strengthen your muscles. Below are the many benefits of aquatic therapy:
- Water resistances exercise can strengthen muscles.
- The body’s natural buoyancy in water reduces the stress put on the body, particularly on the knees, legs and feet.
- Exercising in waist-deep water reduces your body weight by 50%. Neck-deep water reduces your body weight by 90%.
- Exercising in waist deep water minimizes the risk of falling.
- Aquatic exercises burn more calories compared to walking on land.
- Hydrostatic pressure helps to relieve chronic muscle aches and puts pressure on the heart muscles to increase oxygen-rich blood to the periphery of the body.
- Exercising releases Endorphins, Dopamine, and Epinephrine hormones. It also has Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor benefits. This improves brain function, increases energy, improves mood, sleep, reduces anxiety, and helps fight pain naturally.
Many gyms offer group Aquatic exercise classes. Health insurance companies may offer free or reduced memberships to gyms. Public pools are another option. Check your local area for locations. Silver Sneakers memberships offer group exercise classes geared towards active older adults to qualifying seniors.
Aquatic therapy is an excellent and safe form of exercise for my patients. You do not need to swim to benefit from aquatic exercise. Begin with slow strides in waist-high water, walking back and forth while swinging your arms. Please take accountability for your health and be active. As always we are here to support you.